Rock Chic



I love Oatmeal cookies

I love oatmeal cookies. I don�t like raisins, I don�t like chocolate chips; just plain old oatmeal cookies! I could eat them every day, twice a day, for the rest of my life. The other day, I tried one of those new Oreo cookies with the coffee and cream filling�Oh My God! They were incredible! I ate one, then I ate two; next thing I know I�ve eaten so many my tummy ached. I pulled them apart and licked the creamy insides and nibbled around the edges of the cookies until they were gone. I wanted more of them, lots more. I wanted to eat them every day, twice a day for the rest of my life!! Then I realized how dangerous Oreos are to my �girlish figure�. They�re saturated in fat and are high in Cholesterol, not to mention they are loaded with sugar! Yeah, I liked the high I was getting off of them, I loved the way they crunched, but I thought about my plain oatmeal cookies. The ones made with Splenda and love, baked in my own kitchen, in my own oven. Not only do I like to eat the Oatmeal cookies, but I like to make them too. Mixing the ingredients together in a big bowl and carefully spooning it into individual piles. The smell they give off, filling the entire apartment� Yeah, I really, really, like Oreos a whole bunch, but it wouldn�t be healthy for me to eat Oreos and Oatmeal cookies at the same time. I would be totally mixing my refined and my complex carbs, not to mention the damage it would do to my thighs! So today, I made a decision. I�m going to stick to eating my Oatmeal cookies, made with Splenda and love. Sure I�ll have an Oreo every once in a while, God they�re good, but only once in a while. Besides I will always remember the time I indulged in something really naughty and tempting, and was strong enough to walk away, even though it broke my heart.

2 down and 3 to go�

Well, week two is finally over. Three more weeks and I�ll be able to have �married fun� again!!!! Ya for me!!!! The procedure last Friday went really well. That�s if you like the feeling of a hot iron rod going up your crotch! I didn�t say that that�s what happened, it�s just how it felt. I don�t think I recall ever having so much pain in my entire life, and that�s including my miscarriage. When it was over, they wanted me to rest for about half an hour and then I could go. Bullshit! I was leaving whether they liked it or not. I got dressed and sat on a chair and waited for the nurse to bring me a prescription. She walked in expecting me to still be on the bed, instead she found me draped over the chair, nearly passing out with pain, clutching my purse. �You really should be resting,� she said as she helped me adjust in my seat. �No, I really want to go home,� I told her about as politely as I could muster. �Well, we can�t let you drive like this; you can barely stand.� �My husband his here, He�ll give me a ride. Now, may I please go?� So this poor nurse, who had to deal with my very cranky mood, now had to escort me to the lobby. She wanted to put me on a wheel chair, but I flat out refused. As long as I was walking, I had something other then the pain to concentrate on. The ride home was terrible. I was literally writhing in my seat, wanting to pull my skin off. The pain lasted almost 4 hours after the procedure, and come to find out, the prescription I was given wasn�t even for pain! Damn those evil doctors. Hopefully I won�t have to do that ever again!!!

Vic Ferrari, Here I come!!! �

Next weekend is the Vic Ferrari Camping trip!!!! When we went last year it was a riot!! We are playing in a really good slot and the weather is supposed to be awesome!! We�re going to work on our set list this weekend and put on a damn good show next week! I�ll let you know how it goes!

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Have you read these yet?

The Final Bow - 2004-08-21

Hell's Bride - 2004-08-20

One more day to go. - 2004-08-19

Stalker!!!! *psycho shower scene theme song* - 2004-08-13

Assessment of Doom - 2004-08-11

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Friday, Sept. 19, 2003 7:50 p.m.

design by angeline
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All names are made up (except for the band members) in order to protect peoples identities. Spelling and grammar are of little importance. If you are anal, it is highly recommended that you not read further. This diary is protected by the FBI.