Rock Chic


This is a disclaimer of sorts:

All names are made up (except for the band members) in order to protect peoples identities. Spelling and grammar are of little importance. If you are anal, it is highly recommended that you not read further. This diary is protected by theFBI

This weekend was, well let me put it lightly, all fucked up! I haven't had this much fun in a long time. The Vic Ferrari Camping trip was the epitome of crazy-ass, drinking-fun, mixed with awesome music and good food. Benny and I started the weekend off Thursday night. We did the whole laundry thing and shopped for small food items. Lane and BJ were in charge of the groceries, so I decided if there was anyway we are going to eat anything healthy, I would have to buy a few things also. Fortunately they didn�t follow their original plan of buying croutons and Tab. Friday morning we all loaded up and ended up leaving at around 1:30 PM. Did I ever tell you that at least one of the band members has to be late? It�s one of the unwritten rules. So anyhow, we get to the campsite (after driving through the treacherous rain, and nearly getting killed by BJ) and start setting up. Benny and I decided we were going to sleep in our van so we brought our futon and tons of blankets and pillows. We definitely slept like kings this weekend. We also brought our mini tent for storage and the big tent for �just in case�. Good thing too because Smurf ended up without a tent. Actually BJ brought him a tent, but didn�t realize that only poles were in the case. Smurf looked panicked. Jokingly, because Benny and I have wicked sense of humors, let Smurf set up the mini tent making him think we were lending it to him. It was a riot! He never complained but you could see the look of panic in his eyes. At the same time we were putting up the big tent, claiming it was for storage. We couldn�t let it go on for very long. The mini tent is knee high and two and a half feet long. Benny laughed and said something to the extent of �you think you�ll fit?� Smurf laughed and said something like �maybe if I get real small and scrunch in a ball.�

�Well don�t worry, man, That�s for storage. This one is for you.�

The look of relief looks funny on some people.

We played that night in the pouring rain. It was awesome! The crowed was drunk and adoring. I didn�t want to stop but electric shock became an issue and we ended the night. We were asked to play the following day. Benny started drinking when we first got there, so by the time 9 o�clock came around he couldn�t stand. I propped him up against a wall and made sure he didn�t fall. Then we went back to camp and enjoyed �Lisa�s� cooking. Lisa is Lane�s wife. She is such an excellent cook. She even made dirt burgers taste good. Dirt burgers? Yeah, we tried to make chicken burgers but ended up dropping the chicken breasts on the ground. We were to drunk to clean them so thus was born the dirt burger.

Saturday was a good time, but I don�t quite remember lots of it. After we played at 1, Chris from Johnny Wad came and spent some time with us. He is the coolest guy in the whole world! Unfortunately I was drunk and can�t recall most of the conversation. I then made my way to see Vic Ferrari play. Damn they are good. I made lots of friends alongside the stage and got some free beer. Lots of free beer. Next thing I know, it�s time to watch Johnny Wad. I want to grow up to be like them! Chris didn�t just play guitar; he made love to the guitar. It was absolutely incredible. Benny really enjoyed it. It was the first time I had ever seen him get excited about a band.

Sometime between watching Vic Ferrari and Johnny Wad, I ate a huge pork dinner, made more new friends, drank more beer, explained to people why Rush Limbaugh is right about everything, talked about my obsession with The Distillers, and sang karaokee. Which, by the way, I would never do while I was sober. Yeah, it was a good weekend. I�m still trying to get over the hangover.

I just signed up for guitar lessons with Chris! If he can�t teach me, no one can. Now I�m going to get severely beat in volleyball. Yay!!!!

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Have you read these yet?

The Final Bow - 2004-08-21

Hell's Bride - 2004-08-20

One more day to go. - 2004-08-19

Stalker!!!! *psycho shower scene theme song* - 2004-08-13

Assessment of Doom - 2004-08-11

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2002-09-23 9:11 p.m.

design by angeline
This is a disclaimer of sorts:
All names are made up (except for the band members) in order to protect peoples identities. Spelling and grammar are of little importance. If you are anal, it is highly recommended that you not read further. This diary is protected by the FBI.