Rock Chic

Halloween costume and reminiscing.

This morning feels like a Janis Joplin morning. It�s a bit warmer then it was yesterday, the sun is trying so hard to peek over the dense clouds and there is a steady drizzle. So, of course, I�m now listening to Janis Joplin�s 18 essential songs. Good stuff, I tell you.

Last night was fairly uneventful. I was trying to figure out what I was going to wear for the Halloween show on Friday. After much thought and a look at my budget, I decided to go with something I already had. It was between a drunken prom queen, a hippie, or something else that I couldn�t think of. So I went into my storage and pulled out my old costume trunk from college. That�s when I found my belly dancing costume. Yes, I used to be a belly dancer, once upon a time. I used to be really good, but I�ve lost most of my muscle control, and I�m too lazy to get it back. So, I tried it on and it still fit!!! Actually I ended up having to take it in a little around the waste. I was so happy. I have a few things that I need to do to it, before Friday, but not much. There are some things I really miss, and belly dancing is one of them. I was in my brother�s troop and I did a lot of solo stuff for birthday parties and occasional bachelor parties. I would do the dance of the seven veils�those were the days. I would come out strutting like a peacock completely covered in different colored veils and one I would wrap around my self and lift it over my head like giant bat wings, or something like that. I never showed much skin, maybe a little leg here, a bit of stomach there. Then I would remove the final veil and the music would end, and the cheerful disappointment from the crowd of adoring drunk men was always a pay off for me. That and the easy hundred dollars I would make. For an extra hundred, I would dress the lucky man like a sheik and feed him grapes and fan him for half an hour. I once got propositioned by a best man�I don�t know if he can have children anymore. I always made it clear that I was not a stripper and I was not a prostitute, I was a dancer and that was what they were paying for, nothing else. I would make the �buyer� agree to this in writing, and I would have my brother come along just in case. He�s a big guy, very muscular. Lines were rarely crossed.

I would also dance at this Greek restaurant in the �party� district. That was always fun. I would belly dance on the weekends and then I would do hula on the side, too. If you can belly dance you can easily hula dance; my brother and I did both. The only problem is that sometimes moves can get confused, which isn�t always a bad thing. It�s strange how people�s lives can change so quickly. I went from a dancer to an actress to a singer in a matter of three years. I never even thought about being a singer, growing up. I wanted to be a dancer, and that was it; like my brother. He was famous in the dancing world for many years until his knee went out. He still practices, and I think he�s starting another troop in Illinois, but he just doesn�t have the stamina that he used to have. It�s sad really, a real shame. He is one of the most talented male belly dancers in the US. He even has the title: Mr. Belly Dancer of America 1992. I think that�s the year. Oh well, I think I�m done with my boring reminiscing.

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2003-10-28 8:23 a.m.

design by angeline
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All names are made up (except for the band members) in order to protect peoples identities. Spelling and grammar are of little importance. If you are anal, it is highly recommended that you not read further. This diary is protected by the FBI.