Rock Chic

Local Rock Rawks!!

Last night was the Local Rawk Fest. I had sold a couple of tickets to Jan. She works with me at Ass. Mort. We�ve always talked, but recently her and I have been becoming really good friends. So anywho, she came out to watch us play and brought one of her girlfriends. I�ll call her Janet, well that was what I kept calling her last night. I felt so embarrassed, for some reason I just couldn�t get her name right.

Another rocker chic, Mel, came out to see us as well. Actually her boyfriend�s band was playing after ours, but she came early to see us, so that counts. Mel and I always run into each other and share small talk; we have so much in common but we never really hang out.

Ok, so after we play our last song, I go over to where Jan is sitting and we chat up a storm. I buy a round of Jack for Jan and me; Janet was the designated driver. I could tell right away that Jan doesn�t drink hard liquor. I make a mental not of that. Her and I are planning a girls only night at my place, I have to make sure she�s had plenty to eat and have the porcelain god furnished with a nice floor mat when I bring out the tequila. I then order a Malibu and coke and we share. She really liked that one. I�m getting giddy and she�s getting smashed. The next band starts to play, Mr. Slate, which by the way is one of the best original bands in Green Bay. Imagine this combination if you can, they sound like a mix between System of the Down, Incubus and Zeppelin. Try wrapping your brain around that one. It�s hard and heavy but funky and melodic all at the same time. I�m singing along and dancing around and drag Jan over to meet Mel. We all group hug and do naughty dances together. It looked like a guy�s raunchy dream, or something.

Jan is having a blast. We were totally bonding which was getting some of the drunk guys around us fairly aroused. Ok, when two girls are friends, and drunk, they tend to do weird shit like hold hands, hug and stuff like that. We were hanging on each other and she would occasionally kiss me on the cheek. That�s when BJ�s little brother comes by. We�ll call him Ben. So Ben just had a divorce and is fairly lonely, Jan has been single for quite some time�love connection? Maybe not but they were both horny, why not? So I hook them up and Jan starts hanging on him. It was so cute!!! I�m now mingling and dancing around with my separate groups of friends. I don�t think I�ve had that much fun in ages. Mel then wants to go to a club and dance, unfortunately I had to decline; Benny was waiting for me at home. Mel then says we have to go to some Goth club in Menasha one night and we exchange numbers.

As soon as Sutter Cain starts playing, I was out of there. I like their music I�m just not fond of their mosh pit, which by the way normally takes up the whole bar.

Oh!! Before I left I was looking for Jan and couldn�t find her to say goodbye. So I head to the ladies room when I see her and Ben totally making out in a tiny alcove leading to the men�s bathroom. �Oh my God!� So�they were getting along just fine. I wait a little bit longer so that I can say my goodbyes and head home.

The End.

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2004-01-18 8:40 a.m.

design by angeline
This is a disclaimer of sorts:
All names are made up (except for the band members) in order to protect peoples identities. Spelling and grammar are of little importance. If you are anal, it is highly recommended that you not read further. This diary is protected by the FBI.