Rock Chic

Eat Vic!

Eat Vic!

Day one: Fans, Music and Vodka�Oh My!

I got off of work at exactly 3:00 pm. I raced home and packed some last minute necessities, sweaters and things. Benny and I were on the road, heading for Marion, at exactly 3:30. Things were tense; I realized that I packed stage clothes for moderate to warm weather, and not for the very cool weather that was expected that night. Oh, well, what some people do for entertainment. We arrived at a quarter past 5, and I was greeted by My Boys, all of which were nursing sunburns and hangovers. The lucky Sob�s had been there since Thursday. I quickly got dressed in my stage clothes, threw on a jacket, and headed for the stage. The guys from Vic were glad to see us and we gave and received tons of hugs from some friends we had made the previous year; things were good. Right before we went on, I took two giant swigs from BJ�s flask of whiskey and stormed the stage. The minute we struck our first chord, a group of about thirty people came towards. I remembered a few from last years trip, and a few were our very own Super Fans from Green Bay. It was cold, and my teeth were starting to chatter, unfortunately we were opening the set with one of my more �challenging� songs, Never Again by Nickelback. I was a bit shaky at first, but as soon as I warmed up through the first verse, everything else was smooth sailing. I was suddenly transformed from meek and mild Andrea, to stage dominating, �Back off or I�ll Kick your ass� Dre. By the middle of the set I was ripping off my jacket and making poor drunk guys tie my boots, while I teased them with my cleavage; everything was great! By the end of the set, over two hundred bodies were mashed against the stage, drinking and moving in time with the music. It was so totally Hot!! As soon as we got off stage we were immediately asked back for the following year, this time as a headliner. We automatically agreed and were totally pumped. We sat back stage and watched the following band perform as we guzzled down more whisky and free beer. I was starting to feel that wonderful numbness that comes with intoxication, and decided to change into warmer clothes before I completely lost all feel for climate. Good thing I did to, because it got near the thirties in Marion that night. I put a pair of pants over my fishnets, kept my mini skirt on and threw a turtle neck and another t-shirt over my stage shirt. Of course I didn�t realize I was wearing so many clothes until I woke up the next morning. *grin* I then left Benny with Rob at the campsite and went to the �bathroom�. On the way over to the facilities I kept getting stopped by people who recognized me and giving me different concoctions from their flasks and mugs. One guy had the audacity to steal a kiss from me with a mouth full of marijuana smoke. I smacked him up side the head and gave him a kiss on the cheek. His wife was sitting on his lap laughing her ass off. So, by the time I made it back from the �bathroom�, I had bonded with almost everyone at the camp. I then sat by the campfire, mawing down on everything I could get my hands on. I then, again, went off by my self and played on the giant jungle gym for half an hour. That�s when I was ambushed by a bunch of girls going ape shit over Smurf. �We love Smurf. Can you talk to Smurf for us.� It was totally cramping my �style�. Couldn�t they see I as a grown woman, playing on a jungle gym the size of my apartment at God knows what time of night, having the most fun in my entire life? Well I needed a guide back to my campsite anyway; I could barely stand from all of the booze and sliding down the monster slide. So this one girl clings to me and I lean on her, and we stumble back to camp, her chatting my ear off on how Smurf is such a hottie and I tell her some stuff that I wouldn�t even tell a priest in a confessional. I hope I never see her again�

I make it back to the campsite and have an interesting conversation with these two girls, by the way one of them was Smurf�s love interest, about carnivores, omnivores and herbivores. All I remember is singing about them to the tune of �Wild Thing�. Omnivores, they eat everything that�s chewy, Omnivores! I then collapse in the arms of Benny and I wake up in the Van the next morning, believe it or not, still drunk from the previous night.

Day 2: Alms for the poor?

After showering and pulling my self together, I had chips and dip for breakfast and hung around the campfire for a while. I was feeling depressed, I�m sure from the alcohol, and went for a walk. I met up with some friends from when I was in that �other band�, and we chatted most of the morning away. I then wandered back to camp and started on the vodka. It didn�t take much to renew my buzz and we headed down to the stage to watch the first band of the day play. They weren�t the most incredible band playing that weekend, but they were fun to watch, and they were getting better as I drank more. I kept on rubbing up against Benny and making him blush, it was a riot. Then I started putting moves on some of the drunk girls near the stage. It was fun. The more I danced, the more I drank and pretty soon I was out of beer. So I went up to a total stranger and said �Alms for the poor?�

�Sure, Honey,� he said, poured beer from his own glass into mine, and it started a trend. Pretty soon people all around are sharing beer from their own glasses and getting really, really drunk. That�s when I lost count of how much alcohol I was taking in; it really didn�t matter anyway. Lane was so drunk he �accidentally� spilled beer on my boob. So I of course lecture him on musical incest and spill beer on his boob. It was great. I finally couldn�t take the direct heat from the sun anymore, and I was buzzed enough to last me the rest of the night, so I stumbled back to camp. Benny came back to camp later and we �played� in the van. Poor Benny was so drunk.

Unfortunately for me my buzz didn�t last very long, and I was depressed again, It was getting darker, the air was getting colder, and I didn�t want to deal with people very much. So I walked around a lot and tried to feed emotions off of other people. Finally Bill pulled me to the side and told me that I had to drink some more and �keep me company in my drunken stupor.� So I drank down more vodka and reveled in the drunkenness for a little longer. That�s when BJ came up with this great idea. �Hey! Let�s go steal a golf cart!!!� At the time it sounded like an awesome idea, and since BJ and Bill had already mooned the audience while Vic was playing, they were feeling really brave. So four fifths of Circle of Fifths went out into the dark�on a mission. Smurf was too busy, creating drama, to join us. We come up to the golf carts and select one we are going to steal. That�s when a security guard pulls in. I immediately take control of the situation, and drunkenly plop down on his lap. �Oh, I�m sorry! I guess I lost my footing.� He smiles and says, �Hey do all of you want to go on a golf cart ride?� Yay!!!!! We don�t have to steal a golf cart after all! We all pile on the back, Bill takes a pull on the security guards bong, and off we go!!! It was a three seater so I end up sitting on Bill and Lane�s laps, BJ was squished up to the side. We�re shouting at people as we pass by and BJ screams obscenities and moons a few people. BJ has a problem with keeping his very white ass in his pants when he�s drunk. We then make a full circle and go back to the tents. By this time I�m dizzy, drunk and going back on a down. I convince Benny to help me get to bed and we call it a night.

A whole shit load happened along the way, but I�m to hung over to really tell you about it. Co5 went, got drunk, and made it back a little hung over, a little sunburned, but better off. Some of us are little closer knit then we were before, which is always a good thing, and we have a whole year to look forward to our next trip!


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Have you read these yet?

The Final Bow - 2004-08-21

Hell's Bride - 2004-08-20

One more day to go. - 2004-08-19

Stalker!!!! *psycho shower scene theme song* - 2004-08-13

Assessment of Doom - 2004-08-11

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Sunday, Sept. 21, 2003 7:58 p.m.

design by angeline
This is a disclaimer of sorts:
All names are made up (except for the band members) in order to protect peoples identities. Spelling and grammar are of little importance. If you are anal, it is highly recommended that you not read further. This diary is protected by the FBI.