Rock Chic

Homesick in Wisconsin

Sorry it�s been a while, been busy and stuff. I�m homesick and miss my mom and dad a bunch. Found out I won�t be able to go for a visit this year. Hopefully they�ll be up for a trip, 3,000 miles is a long way for �oldies� to travel. At least that�s what my mom says. Did you know the temperature is somewhere in the 70�s there? I was glad it reached the lower 40�s today! I was thinking �Wow all I need is a spring jacket today!� My mom would need a parka. This time of year was always the best for me when I lived in Corpus Christi. Finals would be done and I�d have the entire house to myself. I would watch cable that I stole from the neighbors or go body surfing. The waters would be between 65 to 75 degrees and there wouldn�t be anyone on the beach for miles. I would just sit on my board and soak up sun while reading a book or I�d brave the cold waters for a quick swim or a bit of wave catching. A white Christmas? Never heard of it!

My mom would make Pan de Polvo (some kind of Mexican wedding cookie) and bring them over and we would sit together, talk and eat cookies.

It�s doe season, so my dad would be out hunting on some frou-frou ranch he was invited to while my mom would be home cooking some extravagant meal. She used to cook for seven and now she makes way too much for two people. My mom is the best cook in the entire world! She makes excellent authentic Mexican cuisine passed on to her from her Aunt who, although a terrible person, carried generations of Hernandez cooking secrets. Some of which I have learned and will never tell to anyone! Just imagine a mixture of Spanish, Mexican (yes there is a difference), Chili and Inca food mixed with a little German. Freaky but fantastic! I really, really miss home.

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Have you read these yet?

The Final Bow - 2004-08-21

Hell's Bride - 2004-08-20

One more day to go. - 2004-08-19

Stalker!!!! *psycho shower scene theme song* - 2004-08-13

Assessment of Doom - 2004-08-11

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2003-12-22 3:19 p.m.

design by angeline
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All names are made up (except for the band members) in order to protect peoples identities. Spelling and grammar are of little importance. If you are anal, it is highly recommended that you not read further. This diary is protected by the FBI.