Rock Chic

Latin Girl Rants!

Reading: Digital Fortress by Dan Brown, Daughter of the Blood by Anne Bishop and The Cat that Moved a Mountain by Lilian J. Brau

Listening to: SCIENCE by Incubs

Visualizing: Drunk guy with my knee in his face.

I�m Latin. I�m female. I�m catholic. I�m conservative. Which one doesn�t fit? I had a drunk guy tell me that I�m not allowed to be a conservative because I was a minority female. I was also told that I should take advantage of my minority status and live off the government. �That�s all Mexicans are good for anyway.�

�Yeah, and I bet your wife�s fucking a �Mexican� right now, because a man with a mentality like yours probably has an equally inferior dick.�

He didn�t like that comment at all in fact he was quite livid. I had him escorted out of the bar.

I�m really starting to hate some people�s idea of what a certain group of people should think and behave. Yeah, maybe a huge chunk of the Hispanic community votes to the left, that doesn�t mean that I have to as well! Fuck anyone who thinks I should. There are three major issues I support in a candidate, a respect for life, the privilege to protect our families from assholes and making sure there is as little of the governments� nose up my crotch as possible. It just happens that conservative candidates get at least 2 out of those three, so that�s who I�ll be sticking with.

You know this isn�t the first time I�ve been treated badly due to my �ethnicity� but I�m not going to let it get to me. I have far more IQ points then most of those idiots anyway.

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Assessment of Doom - 2004-08-11

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2004-02-02 4:39 p.m.

design by angeline
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All names are made up (except for the band members) in order to protect peoples identities. Spelling and grammar are of little importance. If you are anal, it is highly recommended that you not read further. This diary is protected by the FBI.