Rock Chic

Die Computer!!!! Die!!!!!!

Reading: nothing at this time.

Listening to: Josie and the Pussycats soundtrack

Visualizing: That scene in Office Space, when they smash the fax machine with a bat, and wishing it was me smashing my computer

It is now 9:00 am�I guess our 10 o�clock deadline is out the window. Our primary system is non functional and I just spent the last hour on hold with the help line just to be told that, �eventually it will work.�

Work is drowning me at my cube and I can�t do anything about it until the damned program decides to stop hating me!

I hate my computer,

And it�s stupid browser!

I want to grab my mouse,

And introduce it to the outhouse!

I want to chuck the damned keyboard


Throw the screen,

In a latrine.

And many other childish rhymes that I can�t come up with right now because I�m so fucking pissed. *smile* Have a great day!

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Have you read these yet?

The Final Bow - 2004-08-21

Hell's Bride - 2004-08-20

One more day to go. - 2004-08-19

Stalker!!!! *psycho shower scene theme song* - 2004-08-13

Assessment of Doom - 2004-08-11

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2004-03-23 9:35 a.m.

design by angeline
This is a disclaimer of sorts:
All names are made up (except for the band members) in order to protect peoples identities. Spelling and grammar are of little importance. If you are anal, it is highly recommended that you not read further. This diary is protected by the FBI.