Rock Chic

Please let me bore you!!!

My supervisor is going to be taking extended medical leave for 4-6 weeks. She has been delegating work out to us, her minions, and I am lucky enough to take on Evil Wicked Reports, Ass Kissing Loan Officers and Being Kicked in the Ass by Government Loan agencies!!!! Yea for me!!!! Not to mention all of the Evil wicked reports/ass kissing/being kicked in the ass by government agencies, that I already do.

I have been trained and now I�m getting prepared to go solo. Good thing I learn semi-quickly otherwise I�d be screwed.

*back of hand to forehead* Aye, me!

Well I won�t bore you, Dear Diary, with my ramblings.

Over and out.

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Have you read these yet?

The Final Bow - 2004-08-21

Hell's Bride - 2004-08-20

One more day to go. - 2004-08-19

Stalker!!!! *psycho shower scene theme song* - 2004-08-13

Assessment of Doom - 2004-08-11

previous - next

2004-04-07 6:40 p.m.

design by angeline
This is a disclaimer of sorts:
All names are made up (except for the band members) in order to protect peoples identities. Spelling and grammar are of little importance. If you are anal, it is highly recommended that you not read further. This diary is protected by the FBI.